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Penn State MSA

The Muslim Students' Association at Penn State


About the
Penn State MSA

Asalamu Alaykum! WE ARE Penn State Muslim Students' Association! We strive to bring unity for Muslims of Penn State while developing a sense of brotherhood and sisterhood within the Penn State community. Our vision is to be the family and home for all Penn State Muslims. We strive to build meaningful and life-long relationships with our members and the overarching PSU community!

Home: About

Friday Prayers On Campus

Every Friday
Khutbah: 1:30 pm
Location: Pasquerilla Spiritual Center, Frizzell Room

Our designated prayer room is located in Room 119 of the Spiritual Center, which also includes a wudhu station.

Off-Campus Mosque

The closest off-campus mosque is the Islamic Society of Central Pennsylvania, which is only a 7 minute (~3 mile) drive from the University Park campus.

If you can't make the 1:30 pm Jummah prayer on campus, this mosque offers Friday prayer at 1:30 pm and 2:30 pm

Social Events

Join us for social events held on and off campus! The best way to stay up to date with our events is by joining our GroupMe and following our Instagram! We typically have events every week on Fridays/Weekends during the semester. We’ve held ice cream socials, hikes, sports days, Friendsgiving dinners, and much more! We’d love for you to come to our next event!

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Annual Fall Ice Cream Social

Meet us at our annual ice cream social, which takes place within the first 2 weeks of school!

Homecoming Parade

March with us at the Penn State Homecoming Parade in October!


Join us for a fun time full of food, laughs, and good company at our annual Friendsgiving Potluck!

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Connect with us!

See what we're up to!

  • groupme
  • Instagram
  • Facebook
  • TikTok
  • Linkedin

Join our Groupme to connect, ask questions, and stay updated on events!

Follow us on Instagram to see all our events, updates, reels, and more!

Join our Facebook group to learn about our events and connect with other PSU muslims and potential roommates!

Follow us on TikTok to see how fun the Penn State MSA is!

Connect with us professionally on Linkedin!

Find us at the Pasquerilla Spiritual Center!

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